This site contains the various little Javascript activities I've made.

By: Calvin Godfrey

Below are links to all the different pages:

A* - A-Star search algorithm visualization ASCII - Reprents an image you upload as ascii characters ASCII Part 2 - If you don't have an image to use, this version uses a live feed from a webcam Boids - flocking simulation Cellular Automata - Simulation that can create a practically infinite amount of cellular automata designs Circle Animations - Creates animations based on hypocycloids, or circles rolling within a bigger circle Clock - A digital clock made of smaller, analog clocks. Cyclical Automata - Animation that shows Cellular Automata but in a cyclical nature Differential Equations - Visualization Fireworks Simulation - Draw a picture, then watch as you can make fireworks explode into that shape Fourier Series - Describe a finite list of circles by their frequency and amplitude, and this will animate them Fractal Tree - Simple animation of a fractal tree Genetic Algorithm - Attempt to create a genetic algorithm that learns to hit a target Haferman's Carpet - Visualization Julia Set - Program to generation images of Julia Set fractal Physics Simulation - Basic collision between balls in 2 dimensions Pixel Art - Interactive activity to make pixel art with a math equation Riemann Zeta Function - Visualization Screensaver - A relaxing screensaver Traveling Salesmen - Animation to show how the Traveling Salesmen problem works Twin Dragon - Animation to generate the Twin Dragon curve Vector Field - Animation that shows the flow of particles by a given vector field